If you know me very well you know I think the world of my brothers. Garret and Gavin are some of my best friends. They both married very well. I have 2 of the best sisters-in-law possible. Interesting enough they both had babies this last month. Erin had a sweet little girl Margaret (after my Grandma, they call her Maggie). Maggie is a sweet little bundle of joy. We haven't had a baby since Keaton so it has been wonderful to have her around. She came on Halloween so she was a treat!
Last night Garrets' wife had twin girls. For now their names are "A" and "B'. His wife Girlie has had a rough time the last few weeks. I think this is the first time I was just as happy for the Mom to be done as the new babies. I am excited to hold them and love them up too! Can't wait for pics of them!