Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Friday, April 18, 2008
San Diego!
She encouraged him to practice his " to infinity and "BEYAR"" off her couch into her love sack.

The last time I went to the Wild Animal Park was about 15 years ago. At the time my favorite part was feeding the Lorikeets. It still is the big hit.

fighting for his nectar.
Berry Bliss

So.... never being one to pass up a deal, I bought 2 flats of Strawberries this week for...4.99 each. Being one to never be second best....I made 6 types of jam, 35 jars out of the berries. I guess I was just curious what was the best recipe for Strawberry jam. I also froze 5 pounds and we are eating through 2. I guess I had no idea exactly how much a flat of Strawberries is. SO.... in case you were wondering, here is what I found. Keaton's favorite was a very easy freezer jam called Banana Split Jam click HERE to get the recipe. I liked the flavor of THIS Canadian cooked jam. Lee liked the twist in THIS Pineapple-Strawberry jam, and we were all pretty big fans of this low sugar one:
3 large bananas
3 cups crushed strawberries
1 1/2 cups sugar
1 pouch pectin
pre-heat oven to 400 degrees. Put bananas on a baking sheet in the oven for 15 minutes. Cool, peel, crush. Measure 1 cup of banana (i just threw the rest in too). mix with berries and sugar in a medium bowl. Let stand 15 minutes. Mix in pectin for 3 minutes. Let stand 5 minutes. Put in jars, label and freeze.
I guess in the end Keaton and I came to one conclusion....Strawberries and sugar....YUM!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
FHE Flop
Monday, April 7, 2008
Favorite finds- March!
First of all I have to tell you about Priceline (priceline.com). I have never used them since I was always worried I would get "Joes Back Alley Motel" and even at $30 that is NO deal. When we were planning our week away to San Diego we knew we wanted to stay in the city a couple of nights (the other nights we stayed with my sister in Murrieta....gotta love family :). I looked into rooms in the area we wanted to stay (Mission Valley) and couldn't find anything less then $120 that was a good hotel. I was frustrated to say the least. My sister talked me into Priceline. I didn't know you could pick the area of the city, the star level of the hotel, etc. They are all name brand hotels. We got a room for 2 nights at the La Quinta for....$40 a night. I started at $25 and went up to $40. It was SO clean, the staff was very friendly and accommodating, and free breakfast (great budget helper :).
Second, in an ongoing effort to cut back I think knowledge is the biggest problem. My friend told me about this website. It lists many restaurants and good choices you can make there. Check it out!
I need to get going on our vacation post that will have to be it for now :)