I was thinking last night how I still miss the house Lee and I rented in Bountiful right after we were married. It was even smaller then this. The shower was so small you couldn't shave your leg's, the front door you could see daylight through multiple cracks, it was just a tiny little 2 bedroom....BUT it was our first home, our first Christmas, the first place we cooked dinner together, our first yard. I now feel that same sort of nostalgia for this place. I am sad to leave the home we picked out from the ground up, the home we brought Keaton home to, the home that we had Keaton on Billi lights for a month in, that front room that I rocked my little preemie in night after night after night because he couldn't figure out how to sleep, the neighborhood where Lee would be sure the snow was gone not only on our drive but the neighbors too, sweet little old Pat next door, our great ward, Abigail and Andrew, the list goes on and on.....
How can we leave?!?
Do you still feel nostalgic for any of your old nests or am I finally certifiable :)?