I read once that most adoptions happen through word of mouth. I thought I would open my mouth and see if I could get the word out.
Meet Zach and Jen. They lived on our street in our old neighborhood. For a few years I really wanted to get to know these two. First of all they had the coolest yard in the neighborhood (which is saying something for .11 lots), next they just seemed to have it together. I did not really get to know them until I got called as Primary President in that ward. Zach and Jen served in the nursery. While many couples clamoured to get out right at their 6 mos. Zach and Jen almost seemed to enjoy it. I was excited for Keaton to have them for teachers the next year. They loved the kids and were not afraid to get silly with them.
November came and we started to move kids into Primary. Zach and Jen sat with them every week. The kids would climb up in Jen's lap and she would hold them like they were her own. It always brought a tear to my eye when I would look at her. I would think that would be how the Savior would hold these little ones if he had been there. The kids KNEW they loved them and they felt comfortable putting their trust in them.
January came and it came time for the kids to stay full-time and these two to get my little Keaton. One night I had a thought which made me realize I couldn't be selfish I would have to do the right thing. There was one boy that was having a TERRIBLE time adjusting to primary. I worried about him and prayed about him. The thought came that Zach and Jen needed to go with him. I was nervous as I approached Jen. I knew they had already served long enough. As I told Jen a tear came to her eye. She had had the same inspiration and was just waiting to be asked. They were the ones who turned the Primary experience around for this little guy.
I would occasionally peek in on those little Sunbeams. They learned the gospel through love. My favorite memory was when I sat in and Zach got on the floor to act out a frog. He didn't care what anyone thought, the kids LOVED Zach. Zach would gently redirect the children and they would listen to him because he was cool.
After all that now to the point..... Jen and I became friends. As Lee and I struggled with infertility and the weeks, months, and years passed and still no baby, I turned to Jen. She was my mentor. She took my whining, my personal questions, and my breakdowns with love and understanding. I am afraid I was more a drain then I ever helped her. I grew to really love Jenny. One night when I was particularly down and Lee was at school she took Keaton and I in her home and just talked to me. I was so sad when we moved that I would no longer be seeing those two weekly.
Jen and Zach have been sealed for 5 years. They would be awesome parents. Please keep your ears open. If you hear of someone who is looking to place a baby. They would not go wrong with these two. They have such a great love for each other and children. Please help spread the word. For more info please see their Blog.