We finally have seating besides a love sac in our downstairs family room. This week Keaton has begged us every night to go down and watch a show as a family. We have done it a couple times this week. It has been really nice. Keaton is all boy and at that age where he is begging to watch Iron Man, Spiderman, etc. I don't think my 3 year old really should be watching that :)
When Lee and I were first married we bought a ton of Disney classics on sale at Target. This week we watched Snowball Express, and last night Swiss Family Robinson. Keaton LOVED them. They are true classics. Why can't they make movies like that anymore? Robinson has EVERYTHING Keaton likes Pirates, animals, adventure...AND everything Mom likes a family that works together, kids that figure solutions to their problems, and a family that takes time to kneel and thank their Father for blessings. Snowball is just a fun family working together and supporting each other to work through problems. I am so glad my tiny guy can be easily swayed to a different show :)