P.S. Oxy Spray pre-treater is a laundry miracle :)
Keaton is never one to miss out on dirt himself!

Everyone needs a cousin you can just be goofy with. Milo fits the bill nicely :)
My sisters and I believe in the "Love and Logic" concept of parenting. It lets kids experience their own consequences. This shot could be on the cover of their next book. Kai forgot tennis shoes after he was reminded. He was pretty good about even hiking in his sandals :)

These are all the cousin hikers that hiked doughnut falls. On the way up to the falls my sister Amara kept asking hikers what KIND of doughnuts were up there. Everyone gave her a blank stare but I thought it was rather funny :)
Keaton at the top of the falls. I know the hat is too big but it keeps the sun off his face and shoulders!
Everyone needs a cousin you can just be goofy with. Milo fits the bill nicely :)
These are all the cousin hikers that hiked doughnut falls. On the way up to the falls my sister Amara kept asking hikers what KIND of doughnuts were up there. Everyone gave her a blank stare but I thought it was rather funny :)