We went to Florida to do the
Disneyworld thing and got back about a week ago. It has taken this long for me to get it together to get this on here....sorry. I am going to do it in a couple parts. This serves as our family journal as well so I want to cover all our fun!

We were bumped from a flight when we were looking for a house for Lee's new job. We took the $1,200 in vouchers and figured we had just partially financed our Spring family vacation. I looked for a great deal and found Florida in Feb was pretty darn cheap. Our flight was only $238 a piece (cheaper then Denver) so we can take another small trip in the summer. Above is a picture of the lovely trees. I LOVED all the moss growing on them. So pretty.

These pictures were taken at Fort Christmas (in Christmas, FL). To say Keaton wasn't
disappointed when Santa wasn't there is an understatement :) They have a nice playground, the original fort, and then a whole homesteading village in the back. It was my favorite price (FREE) so we checked it out!

Savannah has a special little place in her heart for all animals. She loved these little chickens. Lee and I sat on a bench and watched her look at them for quite awhile. Lee and I really could see the benefit of this lifestyle. Can you imagine how much time you would have to teach your children, play with your children, and learn if you didn't have the
tv, etc.? As we sat there Lee and I made a goal to "unplug" the first week of May (I think we chose May because it is a ways off :).

This is Savannah and I in front of the fort. Savannah is showing you "
gunkey" (the monkey). She took
Gunkey everywhere.

This is a lovely orange orchard. Lee and I joked that Orlando and Yakima are as different as apples and oranges. Yakima is just like this but the apple orchards in Yakima seem much cleaner but just like Orlando they are all over the place.

This is the Senator. It is a 3500 year old tree. It is 17 1/2' wide and 118' tall. Lee was horrified when I
laid down on the boardwalk with my hands up and made Keaton and Lee line up with me. We figure the three of us end to end with our hands in the air is how wide it is. Savannah just stood back and pitied us :)
In the next couple of days I will post the Disney portion. What a nice week we had with fabulous weather. Great memories for sure!