If there is one thing I REALLY love about our new town it is the amazing number of free or super cheap things they offer kids. I think the best part is there is not 18 million kids crowding these events so it is actually fun for my kids. All these events took place in the last week or so. I thought I would lump them together.

The Saturday before Easter Lee took Keaton to the Kids Fish In. It was $7 and FOR that $7 they got a T-shirt, a fishing rod and reel (a nice one, I was thinking they would get a little plastic
jobby, this is a full size one he can use for awhile), and a fishing lesson. The lake was stocked with 5K fish and if they caught a fish they would clean it and put it on ice for them. Lee called it, "combat fishing at it's finest". Keaton didn't catch anything (there were too many kids with rods in) but he LOVED it and Lee is going to take him again this weekend. They really need something they can do together so this is perfect.

Last Friday was the Farm Days. The entire event was free! They had tons of booths that taught the kids how to make ice cream (and let them eat it), a cow milking station where they got a carton of milk, a coloring station, horses they could pet, a bean bag throw, a bobbing for apples station and on and on. I passed on letting Annie bob for apples although they gave her a clean apple and this sheep sticker she was quite smitten with.

The Fire Dept was also there and they let the kids try on their gear and spray the hose. Keaton thought that was pretty cool.

Of course we had to poke our heads through this!

They had a petting zoo too. Savannah was TERRIFIED of the cows, seriously. She did not want to be anywhere near them. She did love the donkeys, pigs, goats, and bunnies though! This picture was at the other end far from the cows. She still couldn't take her eyes off them just in case they made any "sudden moves". You know how cows are sneaky like that :) They even gave the kids a free t-shirt. Pretty cool!

These pictures are of the Earth Day celebration at the
Arboretum. Once again this even was
completely FREEEEE! They let the kids plant a tree in a pot they got to take home. We were pretty late and apparently missed the blueberry bushes (I was bummed)but Keaton was thrilled he got a BIG spruce. He had to call his Grandpa Palmer to see if he would babysit it until we bought another house or moved back. Thank heavens Grandpa Palmer has a lot of land, a green thumb, and an
inability to say no to his Grandson :)

They had a petting zoo there as well but of the "creepier" kind. Keaton held a couple snakes, he was in heaven.

Savannah enjoyed chasing the free roaming tortoise. She was so giddy about him she couldn't stand it! There were lots of other booth's there as well and they gave us tons of free stuff. Our only regret was
arriving during the last hour so we couldn't spend more time! I am hoping all these little
experiences are teaching my little guys some great hands on lessons!