I have thought a lot about new little babies these last few months. As Keaton and Savannah were placed in my arms for the first time I remember thinking, "shouldn't I recognize you?". Maybe I am alone but the first few days I feel like a lovely stranger has filled my space. I love them but I don't feel an immediate or terribly deep bond. As I nurse those babies and stay up night after night after night and care for their every need it doesn't take long to feel that amazing love you feel only for your children. It makes me think of the teaching, "you love those you serve". What a wise kind Heavenly Father that sends us these little helpless babies to care for and to learn to love completely. I am really glad he doesn't send them as a mouthy 3 year old :), or even more mouthy teenagers. What a marvelous time we live in that we can love and care for these little ones and get a small glimpse of how the Saviour has learned to love us in our inperfection.
Gigs For President
2 weeks ago
Such a good point. I am curious to see how I will feel when we see our little boy. I can't wait!
Call me crazy, but it almost seems like "earning" that love is....more meaningful somehow than just being granted it.
A great post. :)
I know exactly what you mean! The first time I saw Emilie I thought "Hmmm, that wasn't what I was expecting". But I'm so grateful for these cute kids that give me a greater meaning in life!
I agree with you. After Nathan was born I was too exhausted to feel any emotion. Then after being stiched up for an hour I wondered what this whole thing was about - but it definitely is a miracle and a gift!
Wait till they are 35. The love just keeps on growing.
I remember that feeling with Tia and Kai, but Ari I knew--recognised. I'm glad now I had that for her. It helps on the tough days. But yeah, the more you invest in someone, the stronger the bond. Definitely.
You are so right! I felt the same way with my kids, too. What a blessing!
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