Our little princess turned 3 mos.... a month ago. I really meant to get this picture up and a summary written, oh well ;) She is such a little blessing to us. Now she is 4 mos and is rolling around, easily entertained by Keaton and still is a good sleeper. She also talks to us CONSTANTLY. I think she must take after Keaton (who Lee says takes after me :). She just had her 4 mos appt. and is 17% for weight and 20% for height. That is not too shabby since she started out 3%. She weighs a whole 12 pounds now.
I have to tell you how much she adores Keaton (unless he has poked her for the umpteenth time). When I was pregnant with her I had the distinct feeling that she was excited to come down from Heaven to her family. She was excited to see Lee and I but she was MOST excited to see Keaton. That pretty much sums it up for most people we know, everyone seems most excited by Keaton :)
Aw, too cute! She's just getting so big so fast!
Well, I gotta say, the grandma really loves them both.
I really saw a big difference in her last night compared to even 4th of July. Amazing how they grow.
It'd be tough not to love Keaton. :) She is just plain beautiful!
That is a CUTE picture of her. And we all love Mr. Keats.
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