We went camping TWO times with our little lady this summer. The first one was the annual Palmer camp. It really didn't turn out great for us. Savannah had a horrible time which made ME have a horrible time. Good thing I go for Keaton and was committed or we would have bailed :) Not too many pictures of our family on that one due to Savannah being in tears most of it.

Why did we try it AGAIN 2 weeks later? I had put together a camp for my Mom's family. I really felt like I couldn't get out of it :) It was MUCH better on Savannah....SO better for all:)

Here is my Uncle Drew and his "adventure scouts". Have I told you about Drew before? He is a real live Peter Pan. Don't we all need one of those in our lives? He never wants to grow up. That makes him Grandpa/Uncle of the YEAR. He had our little collection of 3 year
olds going. He took them on a tent stake rescue mission, had them
imagining the twisty Aspen trees were snakes, and told them about "Monkshood" flowers to name a few topics. Keaton LOVED it. I {heart} Uncle Drew.

Here we are at Silver Lake, what a great little walk!

Keaton trying to fit in with the girls :)

Keaton and Savannah...best buds.

I had to laugh, on our walk with the girls my cousin
Launie is working on letters in the dirt with her girls. Keaton...has scurried 1/2 way up this wall. The differences of gender!

Keaton and his buddies Katie and Maggie.