If you know our little Keaton very well you know he is adventurous...to put it mildly. He taught himself to swim by just jumping in the pool 100 times. He loves to climb on, jump off or wrestle ANYTHING. He has 30 first cousins and I don't think there is a one of them he hasn't wrestled. He really doesn't have any fear. We have been thrilled that we have kept him out of the ER and are pleased he has never broken anything or needed anything stitched up....until...

CHURCH!!!! Can you believe it? Sunday he ran into the counter at church. Our neighbor Haley is a nurse and came to check him out. Sure enough we had to take him to urgent care for 2 stitches (he also has a pretty good black eye that doesn't show up in the pics too well). They ended up putting a new sealer on his cheek to lessen scarring. He is pretty bummed that he can't swim of 10 days (and counting). He was thrilled though when his sweet Sunbeam teacher brought him by a bag of bravery goodies :)
I don't think there is a place where a child, especially a boy, can't hurt himself - but at church - that is ironic!
Wow! It always seems that the stitches happen around the eyes a lot!
He and Jill Argyle's boy should hang out:) haha.
I think he has gotten stitches twice from something happening at church.
I wants some bravery goodies.
It is just a miracle he hasn't earned more bravery goodies. And, I am thankful for that.
Oh! Just the beginning of all his "battle" wounds and bravery goodies! Good thing it started out small!
I want goodies! The whole thing didn't seem to have phased him much --even that same evening. He's tough. Very tough.
See, my problem is that I think things like that are awesome! Great battle scars.
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