The big new of the week is Keaton won the Ward's pinewood derby for his age group! Keaton picked out the design, painted it and decorated it. Lee had his doubts because it was nowhere near the weight it should have been. Imagine our surprise when not only did the "green goblin" not fall apart on the first race but it WON! It went on to win for his age group! He was so proud!

Our Savannah continues to light up our life. She is pretty serious but a pure joy to have in our family. Keaton is such a good brother to her. They play together pretty well :) We had Savannah's one year old pics done click
here for a sneak peek!
She is such a cutie! Way to go Keaton for the Green Goblin... I don't think I even came close to winning anything with mine...
Too cute! I didn't know the Pinewood Derby was for kids his age, either! Fun fun fun!
hope Savannah's feeling better. I need a close up picture of the car's paint job. That was the best.
He did a fabulous job. The paint job was awesome. Imagine the dissapointment of the Fathers that made the perfect car when Keaton's "special" car won :)
P.S. This was a ward activity Lisa. It was a very sucessful fundraiser for scouts!
Yeah! Way to go Keaton!
Keaton's car was the best!
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