This week has been nice. I really feel like I am starting to get in my groove. I feel we have been sent here for some important lessons I need to learn. I am learning the importance of my little family. I am learning to rely on my wonderful hubby. I am also learning that I can ask other's for help and they are willing. I am also learning to keep a pretty clean house. Maybe this seems odd but I have always been "too busy" to care too much. I kept it O.K.ish but had so many other things going I didn't have any kind of a schedule. Here I have been able to slow down and keep my house clean, the beds made, and the toilets scrubbed. It is nice to know that anyone can drop by (not that they do) at any time and the house looks nice. It also makes me much happier.
As for events we had a pretty slow week. My health has not been great this week so I have had to take it a little slow. Here are some fun pictures of what the kids are up to though!
I don't really worry about my kids eating. I know most Mom's make their kids clear their plates, etc. but I don't. My kids are not picky eaters so I am pretty blessed. Savannah though
defiantly has "eating days" and "not eating days". I try not to worry when the whole day she will only eat a couple pieces of lettuce, an orange section, and a slice of apple. TODAY was her "eating day". I guess I didn't put enough peas on her plate because when I went back to clear the table she had pulled the pea dish over and was shoveling it in with the serving spoon as fast as she could. I guess she liked them :)

Savannah has also decided she likes to use the computer....ugh. We tried turning off the monitor....she figured it out. We tried locking it....she can unlock it. No idea what we are going to do about this one.

One more Annie picture. I thought as her hair got longer it would straighten out a little. If anything the little curls are getting tighter and tighter. She is getting quite the head of hair!

Like I said I am really trying to keep the house clean. This week I mopped the kitchen floor on my hands and knees (the ONLY time I was grateful for a tiny kitchen). Keaton thought that was pretty cool and BEGGED me to let him do the bathrooms. Who am I not to give my child ALL of his hearts desires? :) After a quick lesson I turned him loose. I came back to check on him 5 minutes later. He had put on his swim suit and instead of squeezing it out in the bucket he decided it was better to squeeze it out on the floor. There was quite the flood. He cleaned it up and still wanted to do my bathroom (he promised he NOW knew how). I go and check on him there and he has ditched the sponge and was mopping my bathroom with his bare feet. "It works much better this way Mom" was his response. fun I guess!

Keaton also told me today he was skipping church. "What does that mean?" I asked. "You rocks skip on water". Needless to say he went to church :)
I'm glad to hear that things are going better for you. You definitely deserve a break from the bad luck you had for awhile. Oh, and Annie's curls are so so so cute!!!! I love them! What a doll!
get a cordless keyboard and put it out of reach when not in use. Who knows, it could work.
Be sure that you take it easy! hands and knees on the kitchen floor does not sound like taking it easy! Take care of one of my favorite nieces! I love you Kira. Big hugs to you!
What fun. I often think about how much more I'd get done around the house if I didn't have to work and have so much of everything else going on. Sigh. Someday. I envy your situation...and Savannah's curls! Holy cow! That humidity in WA is treating her right! My hair usually looks fantastic with more humidity, too. Such fun.
I'm glad you are finding a groove! I'm still looking for mine. Your table looks great! I love Savannah's curls! I wish I had them!!!
Told you it would take about 3 months. You'll be all right. Need to see grandkids.
huh. maybe it IS the humidity! I don't know, my perms never did as well in SD as they did up here though. You're so tough mopping the floor on hands and knees. The girls in the classes I teach --and some are BYU classes moan and groan when I tell them to get down there for exercise.
LOVE the curls- so cute!! Glad to hear you're settling in and enjoying this new chapter in your life.
Funny kids! Gotta love how sweet and clever they are!
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