While I was blog stalking a friend from the ward I ran across her post for the Farm Co-op. I had to ask her about it. It looked so cool. It really is just a farming
warehouse. I was thrilled I got my tomato plants there for 30 cents each. Please, note there really is no room for a garden but the neighbor was tossing whiskey barrel planters and I HAVE to have some
tomato's and basil growing.

In the back of the
warehouse is a room they sell new baby animals. My kids were in heaven and would have stayed all day. The employee's don't care if you pick them up, or giggle so much they all hide in the corner so Keaton and Savannah were both in luck.

Savannah couldn't get over how cute they were with their peep, peep, peeping. She wanted me to kneel right by her and chuckle for a couple hours :)
While we were there there was a Hispanic couple that picked out about 50 of these little chickens. They didn't speak English when I tried to ask them what they were going to do....so of course being the "don't take no for an answer, nosey girl" that I am I asked the worker when they left. She said that they are "Meat Birds" (see the sign). They buy them and in about 8 weeks they are ready to eat. They are buying their food storage. I just am not thinking I could do the whole killing and plucking thing. ALTHOUGH, Keaton and I have decided when we find a house to own again instead of rent we ARE going to look into egg chickens (we have not broached the subject with Lee though :)).

Miss. Annie loved the Bunnies too. They were too fast for me to pick up but the clerk picked one up for Savannah to pet. Pretty cuddly.

My favorite were these tiny little ducks! SO cute. Their little webbed feet just cracked me up (pregnancy hormones I am sure :).
Perfect place for kids. They are getting some great schema building experiences there in Yakima.
They've got little chicks and ducks at the Cal Ranch store here in Spanish Fork, but they won't let you pick up the animals. My kids were so bummed.
Okay I think that is seriously so funny! I was thinking of making my garden in the back more like square foot gardening this year so I can cut down on weeds and then thought it might be fun to get a chicken coop going...for the eggs!!! We go thru probably 5doz/month! Besides, chickens provide fantastic fertilizer! I just wonder if they're allowed in my city. It's not like I want an annoying rooster or anything...
Very nice. Kids are easy to please.
Did you know our neighborhood is going "Farm Chic"?? Cantrells have chicks & a duckling? We're contemplating getting some chicks... we'll see!
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