After a pretty rough and tumble pregnancy Tessa Grace came and joined us Sunday May 29
th about 1:45 in the morning. She weighed a whopping 9lbs 10 oz and was 22 1/2 inches long. She is the giant of our babies. She was born 4 weeks early (with the treatments we had to get pregnant we are sure on the date).

Lee and I had gone to lunch Sat afternoon and during lunch I started feeling strong contractions. I knew I was already
dilated to a 4, mostly effaced, and had "bulging waters" so we were thinking it may be the night. We got back dropped the babysitter off and the contractions got really strong. We dropped our kids off with our good friends in the ward the Dittos (they had her sisters 2 kids, their 6 kids, and were willing to take our 2) and headed to the hospital. When we got to the hospital I was REALLY not feeling well. They got us into a room and my
BP was 197/107. They kinda freaked and put us right into a delivery room. The put a "lead" on the baby's head so they could monitor her stress and see if that would break my water slowly and speed things up a bit. My water gushed and we were off. My
BP kept high so they put me on Magnesium (awful stuff that feels like you are on fire) and suggested an epidural so I could keep myself calm (if you know me very well you know that it didn't take much to convince me to have an epidural).

Things progressed relatively quickly on their own and by 1:20 I was ready to push. I was thinking of my last
experience with my little tiny 6 pound Savannah where I pushed 2x and was done so I was a little freaked when this took a TON more work. The epidural either wore off or I have no idea what real pain is. I just kept pushing and pushing. Once I got her 14 cm head out of a 10 cm hole I was hoping I was done. No such luck the shoulder were the real hard part. She has shoulders like her Dad!
She finally came out and they put her on my stomach and tried to get her crying. She was pretty blue and not terribly good at crying. They let me hold her for just a minute and love on her before she was taken to the NICU.
I will keep updating here as I can to share her progress and hopefully some pictures that don't look like she fought in a cat fight :) We are thrilled she is here though and grateful that Mom is doing great and that she will be fine! Thank you for your prayers and love through this ordeal!
I hated being on Mag and also hated it more that I ended up on bed rest with it for 24 hrs after delivery and with Joshua in the NICU on oxygen and on a feeding tube I was not able to see him until he was already 26 hrs old. He did not become well baby til he was 3 days old. I feel for you having been there myself, but know that the nurses at the NICU are wonderful and will take good care of her while you are recovering as well. I wish I was there to help.
Tessa Grace, is a pretty name. I had a roommate name Tessa and the baby I recently miscarried I named Grace.
Congrats again. I am so thrilled for you.
She is so cute! I can't wait to meet the newest addition to the Hansen Clan! Lot's of love to you!
Wow. That was some graphic detail --makes me feel like I was right there in the delivery room with you (shudder). Glad you both came through OK.
Oh! I was wondering when I'd get to hear the miraculous story of Tessa's birth. LOVE hearing them! She is beautiful and I'm so grateful that both Mommy and baby are doing well. Hopefully, you get to take her home ASAp!
I love her! She IS a good size. Yowsah! Glad it's over!!!!!!
Yippee! So glad she's here and I hope she gets to come home soon. I absolutely love love love her name! And she's lovely, even post cat fight. ;)
Glad she's here!!! Glad that pregnancy chapter is over also!!!!
Missed this one too. Again glad she is here and now home.
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