So today is the big day. It is interesting I am excited for the new adventure. Lees' Mom used to call us
Gypsy's all the time because we couldn't stay in one place (we moved 4 times the first year of our marriage). I guess it is that blood finally catching me that is making me happy for change. I passed off all my Primary President things this week (the new lady will be awesome). That is the real sad thing. I can't say I was the most organized for those kids, I certainly wasn't the most profound, I wasn't wonderful at attending the million meetings, but I LOVED each and every one of those kids. I can't think of a one of them that I won't miss horribly. I have watched them grow, I have watched them for as many years as I have watched Keaton. I know their hearts, I know sometimes when you think they are not listening....they are. I know they try sometimes SO hard to do exactly whats right and their little bodies just CAN'T sit still. I will miss them. They are my friends.