I REALLY need a good read. My way of picking books at our local library lately is not working for me. I have just been picking up whatever looks good off the new items shelf in the front of the library. The last book I got was really weird and kept trying to teach me philosophical lessons. It wasn't until my older sis spent the night and looked at it that I realized it was a "Christian Love story". I really couldn't get back into it after that. The one I picked up the other day I had to stop reading after pg 5 when the male main character "placed his hands lovingly down Elizabeth's pants"......where are the ratings on these?!?! I guess the 15 seconds until Keaton runs out the front door to the park are not quite enough.
SO.... if I haven't sounded desperate enough.... PLEEEAAASE give me a good book recommendation. Nothing too deep, I have a 2 year old and one on the way, I don't have time for deep. I am looking for a 10 minute escape.
I read the Twilight series thanks to Dana and LOVED them. I am 148th in line for Edgar Sautell at the library (not as bad as it sounds they have 50 copies). Any ideas would be great. THANK YOU!!!
P.S. Yes it is 3 am..... I sure could use a good book now :)
Slow Start
1 week ago
I should be good at this. But I always freeze up.
Did I tell you read As Nature Made Him? By John Colapinto. That would be right up your alley. It's nonfiction, and I'm sheepish to say what it's about, but trust me. You'd be fascinated.
Did you read The Host? Mom liked it.
Have you ever read Madame Bovary? Loved that one.
I liked one called Lopsided: How Having Breast Cancer can be Really Distracting. That one was a quick, interesting read, too. Nonfiction.
In fact, I just realized I must have sent mom home with Lopsided and As Nature Made Him. Ask her for them.
That's all for now.
I read "Three Cups of Tea" recently and LOVED it! I made Brady read it and he loved it and then he suggested it to one of his professors and he loved it! It's non-fiction, but for me very informative and educational, and not too deep. Also, a super quick read would be "The Last Lecture" by Randy Pausch. He was on the news a lot a few months ago. He was dying of pancreatic cancer and wanted to leave his life's lessons for his young kids. I loved it! The next in my stack of "to read books" are "A Thousand Splendid Suns", the Chronicles of Narnia series, and the Jane Austen collection.
Mom recommends the Uglies, The Pretties and The Specials. That's the good thing about young adult fiction, it's a little cleaner. I've heard the Fabelhaven series is good, but some of the same people recommended the Leven Thumps which I thought was awful writing. You ought to look into the Narnia like your friend said, and Jane Austins, and all the Brontes (talk about escape!). The Host isn't as fascinating as twilight, I've had a lot of friends that didn't even finish it. I liked it, but not my favorite.
I have nothing to recommend. But my friend has this link on her blog, I always figured maybe i would look at it some day if I ever were really going to read a book. Sad, I know.
I think you should read "Austenland" it's hilarious and cute...it reminded me how crazy single life is.
I also recommend "The Sabatour" by Dean Hughes. It's a book about a WWII spy in France. It's a good read. Tom and I read that one together.
What else? The problem is that I am not sure what kind of books you like? Light and fluffy? Deep and serious? I personally like light and fluffy...if that's up your alley let me know and I'll make some more recommendations.
Jackrabbit Factor by Leslie Householder is a pretty good one. I also like Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis. Jen would have more suggestions. I'll have her get a hold of you.
The Host is slow. Truly Uglies, Pretties, and Specials are a little slow too. Did enjoy the quick read of The Last Lecture. Your Dad just read Silence, which Gavin recommended. I will read that and see what I think. Edgar Sawtelle is worth waiting for. Haven't got to the two Deja sent me, but I am reading the YA book Thief of Always that she sent. I am enjoying that. Thinking of using that for my reading group in the library.
I second Laurel's suggestion for "Austenland", but really anything by Shannon Hale will be great. ("Goose Girl")
I just finished reading "Midway to Heaven" by Dean Hughes and really liked it.
I might just have to read some of the suggestions you've been given. They look GREAT!!!
Good luck!
Try a book called "Salt" it's a history of Salt, and it's fascinating.
The Thirteenth Tale is good. I would also recommend doing Good Reads. It is a website where you can get reviews from your friends about books they have read. I put my rating like PG or PG13 on my ratings as well as the Good Reads Stars system. Good luck! let me know what you love!
Hi Kira-I have no idea your taste in books, but I always come back to re-read the "Mitford" books by Jan Karon. A series; not too deep, heartwarming and funny. I also like novels by Elizabeth Berg
I was going to suggest A thousand splendid Suns also. I loved it and could not put it down. Not as heavy and depressing as The Kite Runner. I thought The Host was slow too. Couldn't even finish it. The Keeping Corner was a good one I just read by Kashmira Sheth. It is short and very interesting.
I read The City of Ember to my class last year. We all loved it. It's a trilogy, so if you like it, there are two more! They made a movie of it (my pet peeve) that is being released soon, if it hasn't been already.
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