Tuesday, March 17, 2009

William E. Rubin is back!

I am not so sure why Mr. Bill E. Rubin thinks he needs to visit our children when they are born. It took us SIX weeks to get rid of Keaton's jaundice, now our poor little sister has it. She is such a good baby that she has been much more patient to lay on the bad hour after hour after hour. Seriously it is just hard to not clothe and hold your brand new baby. We are hopeful that she will be done this week (we are 1/2 full kind of people you know :). For now though we will just have the worlds biggest night light in our room!
P.S. Her level is headed in the right direction (17.7) although she has to be on lights 24/7 until at LEAST Thursday.


Tif said...

We went through that with Lindsey too. It is no fun!

Amy said...

It can't be fun, I am sorry! I was a jaundice baby and didn't know it until I was 13 and wanted to know why all my blessing pictures were black and white. It was because my mom didn't like that I was so yellow.

Linda said...

I hate that dang BilliBed! Emilie had it for a week! We were SO happy to get rid of it!

Garret said...

awww, so perfect and adorable. we love her and we miss you all.