Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Halloween night!

Halloween night we make scones for the neighborhood in our front yard. We make a fire in a fire pit and invite everyone to take a break and eat a scone. They were a hit, ESPECIALLY with Keaton. You will also notice his root beer in his chair. Our neighbor a couple houses down passes out root beer. Keaton loves that MUCH more then the candy and can't wait to get back to drink it. He would rather hang out with Lee so we pretty much only went down our street and were done.
Here are all his pumpkins. We had gotten enough from Lee's Dad for all of Keaton's buddies for his party. We ended up not having enough time to decorate them and I forgot to have the kids take them home. We ended up with a whole collection!
Savannah supervised the cleaning of the pumpkins!

Lee Let Keaton do his own pumpkins only if he cleaned them out too.

Keaton with the power drill drilling holes in his pumpkin...yes we are totally bad parents :)

Savannah the Elephant. She was supposed to be Princess Leah but I ran out of time. I thought she was a cute Elephant.

My Jedi knight. I made the costume the night before...don't look too close.

How Savannah spent most of the trunk or treat...and Halloween night.


Amy said...

Scones? That is awesome. I'll be there next year. :)

Amara said...

I love that elephant costume. Looks like the scones are becoming a tradition....

Gourmified said...

Aw! So cute! LOVE the scone idea...

Hansen Family said...

That is such a neat tradition to make scones! Halloween is not my favorite - but I like the idea of getting neighobs together!

Deja said...

How I wish I could have been there. We did precisely nothing for halloween. Okay, I made baked apples and we watched a zombie movie. But it was nothing like your neighborhood time.

The Firths said...

We're coming to your house next year. That is an awesome idea. Glad you had a good time... except for Savannah sleeping. Maybe that's not a bad thing...

belann said...

I think you are making wonderful memories.