He has started up Kindermusik again. He LOVES "going to school". We highly recommend it to anyone wanting a good program for their kids. He still insists Mama stay there with him but I am sure a breakthrough is coming soon on that ;)
He also LOVES to tell stories. All day long he talks and talks and talks telling me elaborate stories always 1/2 true and 1/2 imagination. I guess that is how you make any story exciting. He had a pretty good vocabulary since he was one but now I am constantly amazed with the words he has picked up.
He also has become an even bigger help. He sets the table, clears the table, wipes the table, empties trash cans, cleans his room, and cleans the toy room. It is so nice to finally have him help instead of just take ;)
Lately he has had a horrible time falling asleep. He just can't stop talking (my boy) and moving. Lee asks, " who put a quarter in that kid"? We can't imagine life without him now and wonder how did we get so lucky?!?
What a cute boy! Don't you love it, they're like never ending wind up toy some days. Where do they get the energy?
I have to agree with Sarah. It would be nice to have their energy.
He's a funny kid. It's wonderful that he's such a big helper. Maybe he could teach Emma and Rachel something...??
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