So we are frustrated. We finally have a nice backyard and wonderful porch and we are ran out of town by all the Wasps. Every time we sit down to eat out there we immediately have visitors. We found one nest and got rid of it but it didn't help. I know SOMEONE out there has to know what we can do. We have tried 3 different commercial traps, no luck. Let me know!!!
Winter Wonderland At Stillestead
1 week ago
What about a commercial pesticide that could be sprayed on the home, trees, ect? I'm not sure who, but there has to be a exterminator or something. We had a guy at work that was spraying for bugs and there's got to be something for wasps...
We wish you luck.
I am mad for you. We are hating them all over this year. I know someone sprayed around here, i think there was a problem here before we moved in, i see empty nests around but the wasps are gone from around the homes (but not the park as you know). I wonder if it would still be a problem if they are coming from neighbors homes though. Yuck. Get rid of them if you can!
there's a difference between paper wasps and yellow jackets. If a commercial trap doesn't work I heard it's because it's made for the kind you don't have. Usually on the package there's a description on how to tell them apart. They look the same to me. We just spray every nest we can find (the nest spray is at walmart), and they are getting better.... we bought the wrong trap too apparently last year. It didn't work. But one of them worked great in our Taylorsville house.
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