Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Not REALLY Santa?

Santa was in our local Costco today. He was in plaid shorts, a t-shirt and smelled slightly of beef sticks but Keaton and I were sure it was him. This is how we came to believe:)
We get right about to the deli area and Keaton decides to go into full blown tantrum mode. My normal, "Keaton if you can't calm down we are going to have to leave instead of staying and getting a drink to share" was not working. When we came to the lady who was passing out the free micro samples of ham we discovered she was O.U.T. The nerve. This put Keaton over the edge (can we say tired?). Santa seeing the issue comes on over. He gets right in Keatons face and says, "buddy this isn't gonna work. Be nice or you are off THE LIST". Keaton looked at me and spent the rest of the time saying, "are you o.k. my lady?/ what can I do for you my lady?" (where he got the my lady part I am not sure, he has a pretty funny vocabulary).
So Keaton and I left the Costco believing in and LOVING Santa :)


Unknown said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE Santa! He just knows the perfect time to jump right on in for the rescue! Keaton makes me laugh!

Amy said...

I want someone to call my "My lady" that's adorable! Especially if "someone" is behaving nicely. :)

belann said...

Glad you and Keaton became believers. Seems like Costco ought to hire that Santa guy. I bet he would make a lot of shoppers stay longer.

For His Glory said...

That is such a cute story! Wish there could be a Santa at every store.

Deja said...

Brilliant man! And I love that Keats says "my lady." Maybe he's a poet ... But there was already a poet named Keats. Your Keats would be better though.