Just a quick one to tell you some crazy things Keaton has been saying:
Lee was giving him a "talking to" about being rough with our entertainment cabinet. Keaton without missing a beat looks him in the eye and says, "Dad I'm just TWO!".
Keaton and I have an ongoing struggle with putting his shoes on. He thinks they are unnecessary and will remove them immediately. Yesterday he let me get them on him with little fight. He then exclaimed, "Congratulations Mom you got my shoes on!" Funny.
Any good one liners from the little people in your life?
Slow Start
1 week ago
Liam says "tank you" all the time...I love it and and qm not looking forward to him telling me "NO!"
Love it. What a cutie. It's always fun to hear the funny things kids say.
Noah is always saying the funniest things. He just turned 2 over the weekend.
I the mornings he climbs into bed with Tim and I about 6 and he likes a sippy of milk so I ask Tim to go and get it and Tim was starting to get up to go and Noah said "Mommy, dad is not going, he is not going."
Then this morning he was in the corner doing his business and he said "I am not pooping mom." So I told him if he went potty in the potty chair he could have big boy pants and he said, "I can buy big boy pants? I can buy at Wal-Mart?"
Kids crack me up.
It is funny how kids know where you go. Keaton took my friend the other day into his room to show her his new bed, "this is my new bed, we got it at Costco". All important information :)
Mine is a little older, now 4, but her constant comment is, "Mom I can do it myself because I'm 4 now!" It's as though, she's finally discovered that all those times when we've said, "you can when you're older" have finally happened in her 4-year old mind! Haaa!
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