I am seriously going crazy. I need some help. Please be nice. The issue is sleep....isn't it always with my kids? Keaton is almost 4 and still doesn't sleep through the night. Savannah has been our miracle sleeper though. At 2 weeks she slept through the night and up until 6 mos mostly slept through the night with maybe one wake up here or there. Can I tell you how wonderful that has been? Can I tell you the difference it makes in your life to have a baby that sleeps....especially when you are not a necessarily "young" mother? For
Keatons whole first year he woke up 7 times a night (yes 7 not a typo). I was working 45 hours a week and was happy I could spend those nights with him. When I really got too tired he was a cuddly kid and we could sleep for quite a while in the recliner. Savannah has never been a
cuddler. She cannot sleep well when someone is holding her. Luckily it has been fine since she sleeps. We are going on almost a month though where she has not been a good sleeper. For the first week she woke once or twice a night. Not too bad....a little annoying but not bad. The next week she woke every couple hours. I tried everything. No luck. The next week every hour, and this last week EVERY. HALF. HOUR. Last week we ended up in urgent care over the whole thing. They thought she was congested and couldn't sleep. They said to put her down in her car seat and give her
benadryl and she would be fine. It worked for one night. Last night was the worse. Every TEN minutes. You think I am kidding. She wakes up SCREAMING. It takes me about 10 minutes to calm her down. She may be teething but Motrin, Tylenol, nor teething tablets make a difference. She may have gas but Gripe water,
mylicon, nor
Malox work. She certainly may have allergies but she doesn't seem congested and
Benadryl isn't working. Please don't suggest she "cry it out". When she gets upset she swallows so much air it puts her in pain for hours. I do wait to get her until I am sure she cannot go back to sleep. As for me.... I may "cry it out". Any ideas?