Lee dropped me off and gave me a hug. I thought I would never hear from him again until he said, "I really wish I did not have that other date and I could stay here with you". THEN he proceeded to tell me how he doesn't kiss girls until he dates them for MONTHS. HAHAHA I knew then he WANTED to kiss me. I snickered as I shut the door.
Lee called the next day. I knew how to get guys going so I asked him about growing up as a farmers son and particularly about the irrigation. He went on and on for 45 minutes about irrigation. He then asked me when he could see me again. I told him I had my Grandpas funeral the next 2 nights but I could see him Thurs. night. I had tickets to the Opera and I was upset with the guy I was seeing the most over his lack of sympathy about my Grandpa so I said Lee could come with me (on a side note Lee had called everyday to see how I was doing with my Grandpas death). The Opera was magical. He put his arm around me, I put my hand on his knee, he rubbed my shoulder, I kissed his finger tips.....pure magic. On the way home I offered him a heart shaped breath mint. He took that as a "sign" with the "kiss me eyes" he said I shot him and we kissed on the second date (which makes his "speech" on our first date hilarious). We were inseparable after that. I loved everything about Lee. It was not too many dates after that when we said "I love you". It wasn't that much after that that we set a Temple date (he said October, I thrilled him by saying NO August :). We have had trials in our marriage but our relationship has not been one of them. I really met the one for me. I couldn't imagine life without Lee.
P.S. Please take the time to record your "how we met" on your Blog. I would love to read them!